
Assault, Other Violence Offences and Apprehended Violence Orders

Advising Client Under the New Coercive Control Legilsation – Control of an Inner Conflict” Hayley Dean – March 2024

Self-Defence Frequently Asked Questions.” Tom Quilter – August 2019 (link to PD site)

“Procedural and Ethical Considerations in Local Court Domestic Violence Matters.” William Buxton – March 2018

“Domestic Violence Evidence in Chief – Fundamentals and Practical Advice.” Slade Howell – August 2017

“Summary of Changes to the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act” Harriet Ketley – December 2016

Domestic Violence Evidence in Chief (DVEC)”  Rob Hoyles – December 2015

“Evidence In Chief Reforms For Victims of Domestic Violence – Practical Issues For Defence Lawyers.” Nerissa Keay – July 2015

“Matters To Consider for Your Next Domestic Violence Hearing” – Arjun Chhabra – March 2015

” ‘One Punch Manslaughter’, An Aspect of Sentencing in Modern Society” The Honourable Justice Derek Price AM – November 2014 (link to District Court site)

“Apprehended Violence Orders” Phillip Gibson – August 2014

“Domestic Violence: New Laws” Simon Healy – July 2014

“One-punch Laws, Mandatory Minimums and “Alcohol Fuelled” As An Aggravating Factor: Implications for NSW Criminal Law” (posted with the permission of the publisher) Dr Julia Quilter – April 2014

“Defending Allegations of Domestic Violence in the Local Court of NSW” Paul Cranney – December 2013

“It’s Only a Broken Cheekbone” – A Discussion Paper on the Law of Grievous Bodily Harm – Kenneth Averre MBE and Rob Munro – November 2013

“Basic Principles of Assault Law in New South Wales” Shaun Mortimer – March 2013

Child Pornography

“Everything You (Never) Wanted To Know About Child Pornography” Geoff Archer – November 2011

Dishonesty and Property Offences

“Goods In Custody” Mark Dennis SC – March 2024

“Goods in Custody – Onus of Proof Flowchart” Stephen Kelly – March 2024.

“Goods in Custody and the Admissibility of Hearsay.”  Monica Wilson – March 2017

“White Collar Crime: Perpetrators and Penalties” The Honourbale Justice Peter McClellan AM – November 2011 (link to Supreme Court website).

“New Fraud and Identity Related Crimes in New South Wales” Associate Professor Alex Steel – January 2010.

Driving Offences

“Road Trip: An Abbreviated Guide To The Road Transport Legislation” Darren Robinson updated by Imogen Hogan  – March 2020

“Unauthorised Driving Offences and Applications to Remove Disqualification Periods.” Diane Elston – March 2019

“Motor Traffic Law – Legislation and Case Law Update” Nic Angleov – March 2018.

“Drug Driving Offences (and Defences) in New South Wales.” Stephen Lawrence and Tina Zhou – March 2017.

“Mandatory Interlock Offences – Penalties Cheat Sheet” Carol Younes – March 2016

Interlock Licences – Offences, Disqualifications and Interlock Periods – Extract from RMS publication – February 2015

“Alcohol Interlock Program – Guide for Magistrates, Legal Practitioners, and Police Prosecutors” Roads and Maritime Service – February 2015 (link to RMS website).

“Alcohol Interlock Program Participant Guide” – Roads and Maritime Service – February 2015 (link to RMS website).

“Enforcing a Cone of Silence: Difficulties With Using Criminal Law To Limit Mobile Phone Use in Vehicles In An Environment of Technological Change”  Professor Alex Steel – October 2014

“Presenting PCA and Other Traffic Pleas in the Local Court; Tips For Those Learning and Reminders For Those Doing It Regularly.” (Powerpoint presentation) His Honour Magistrate Brett Thomas – March 2014.

“The Road Transport Act – Navigating The New Regime” His Honour Magistrate Brett Thomas – August 2013

“Recent Developments in Sentencing For Traffic Offences Including Post O’Sullivan Higginson and Meakin” Brett Thomas – January 2013

“Chapter 3 – Mass, Dimension and Load Restraint Requirements for Vehicles – Road Transport (General) Act 2005 (NSW) – Case Law Review” Nic Angelov – March 2010

“Drink Driving and Other Traffic Offences: Successful Plea Making in the Local Court” Nic Angelov – December 2007.

Drug Offences

“Sentencing for Minor Drug Offences.”  Professor David Heilpern – April 2023.

“Drug Offences in the Local Court.” His Honour Magistrate Brett Thomas – August 2014


” ‘One Punch Manslaughter’, An Aspect of Sentencing in Modern Society” The Honourable Justice Derek Price AM – November 2014 (link to District Court site)

“One-punch Laws, Mandatory Minimums and “Alcohol Fuelled” As An Aggravating Factor: Implications for NSW Criminal Law” (posted with the permission of the publisher) Dr Julia Quilter – April 2014

Offensive Language and Offensive Manner

“It Might Be Powerful But Is It Offensive? Unpacking Judicial Perspectives on the C-word” Elyse Methven – March 2024.

” ‘Dog Arse Cunts’ – A Discussion Paper on the Law of Offensive Language and Offensive Manner.” Mark Dennis SC – March 2023

” ‘You Fucking Beauty’ ‘Fuck Fred Nile’ And Other Inoffensive Comments.”  Stephen Lawrence, Felicity Graham and Christian Hearn – November 2016

“Time To Define “The Cornerstone Of Public Order Legislation”: The Elements Of Offensive Conduct and Language Under The Summary Offences Act 1988 (NSW)” (posted with the permission of the publisher) Dr Julia Quilter and Luke McNamara – September 2013

People Smuggling

“People Smuggling in NSW” Phillip Boulten SC and Angela Cook – March 2013 (link to PD site).

Police – Offences Against Police

“Escaping, Obstruction, Resisting and Hindering” Silas Morrison – July 2020

” ‘A Pack of Fucken Boys in Blue Skirts’ – A Lawful Combatant’s Guide to Assaulting, Resisting, Hindering and Escaping Police in New South Wales.” Mark Dennis SC – July 2020

Public Justice Offences

“Public Justice Offences – Hindering Investigations, Concealing Offences and Attempting To Pervert The Course of Justice” her Honour Judge Sophia Beckett – March 2015

Sexual Offences

“Sexual Consent in the Age of Part 3, Division 10 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW)” (link to PD site) – the Honourable Justice Sarah Huggett – March 2023

“The Child Protection Register and applications in the Local COurt under the Child Protection (Offenders Registration) Act 2000.” – Diane Elston and Paul Coady (link to Judicial Officers’ Bulletin) – October 2022

“Misconceptions of Sexual Crimes Against Adult Victims: Barriers to Justice” Patrick Tidmarsh and Gemma Hamilton – November 2020

“Questioning Vulnerable Witnesses” – His Honour Judge Craig Smith SC – March 2020 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO

“Sexual Assault Communications Privilege – The Law and Practical Considerations” Cara Feiner – March 2020

“Sexual Offences Against Adults and Children – A New Regime” Caitlin Akthar and Ruth Carty – October 2019

“Defending Child Sexual Assault in the Local Court” Mark Dennis SC – March 2017

“Jury Directions in Sexual Assault Trials” Bill Neild – March 2017 (link to PD site)

“Jury Views of Psychological Expert Evidence About Child Sexual Abuse” Professor Annie Cossins and Professor Jane Goodman-Delahunty – February 2016 (link to PD site)

“A Practitioners Guide To Representing Sex Offenders” Patrick Sheehan and Will Tuckey – July 2015

“Issues For the Defence in Trials With Pre-Recorded Evidence of the Vulnerable Wintesses” Scott Corish – June 2015

“Sexual Assault Handbook” – NSW Judicial Commission (link to NSW Judicial Commission website)

“Sexual Assault Communications Privilege” Ian Nash – February 2014 (link to PD site)

“Sexual Assault Communication Privilege” Angela Cook – June 2013

“The NSW Child Sex Offender Register” Nerissa Keay – September 2012.

Powerpoint presentation accompanying “The NSW Child Sex Offender Register” Nerissa Keay – September 2012.

“The Role of the Sexual Assault Communications Privilege Lawyer” Rosemarie Lambert – August 2012

“Trial of Sexual Assault Charges – An Updater” Peter Skinner – November 2010

“Sexual Assault Trial Directions” Mark Dennis SC – August 2010 (Second Edition).

“Cross-Examination of Children” Her Honour Judge Yehia SC – February 2010 (link to PD website)

“Cross-Examining Complainants in Sexual Assault Proceedings” Belinda Rigg SC – 2009 (link to PD website)

“Sex and The Modern Criminal Lawyer” His Honour Judge Haesler SC – June 2008 (link to PD website)

“Juror Attitudes and Biases in Sexual Assault Cases” Dr Natalie Taylor – August 2007 (link to Australian Institute of Criminology website)

“Matters To Consider When Preparing and Conducting A Sexual Assault Trial” Her Honour Judge Flannery SC – March 2007 (link to PD website)

Terrorism Offences

“Terrorism Laws” Her Honour Judge Yehia SC – March 2010 (link to PD website)

“Counter-terrorism Laws in Practice” Phillip Boulten SC – 2006 (link to PD website)